Saturday, August 02, 2008

Gordon Lightfoot - Don Quixote

In my life I have known a few good Canadians, and I have known of a few.
In the "known of" category, my favorites include Gordon Lightfoot, Neil Young, and Joni Mitchell.

Since I started doing this website thing, I began to know a few more good Canadians in my life. Among them I've found the best supporters of my website efforts.

And among my favorite songs, since "Way back in the '70s, Man" is the one I've posted here, because it always reminds me, whenever I hear it, of every good person I have ever known.

Oh yes, there's another reason too why I decided to post this.
June and July were months of a lot of news stories to keep up with.
So I was thinking, 'Enough already! It's August now for gosh sakes! Let's put something nice up here - that's not about death!'

So I hope you approve of my decision, and that you enjoy this song.
The Wildman

PS -- My apple pie American self has never been North of the Border, but I've had the good fortune of meeting with those more widely traveled.


Anonymous said...

You picked out an oldie but goodie there, Bill. Here's to good Canadians, eh!


Bill Widman said...

You Betcha!
Are you a good Canadian too?

Anonymous said...

I try to be :-)


Bill Widman said...

Those who try to be good are usually very good.

If you are the same 'Anon' who writes for 'Missing Pieces' and 'Who Killed Theresa?,' I can assure you that I've heard many good things about you!

Anonymous said...

I am that 'Anon,' Bill. Thank you for your kind words.

Bill Widman said...

You are more than welcome!
Thank you for visiting my blog.
I believe we have some friends in common.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I believe we do...including some good Canadians, too.
I've been visiting for quite a while and posting some questions and comments recently. I just have to get in the habit of signing them. Of course, since transcribing Debbie's episode on Missing Pieces, I have been watching this case very closely.

Bill Widman said...

Well bless your heart, and thank you for all your comments!